There once was a caterpillar that turned into a beautiful butterfly, at least that is how our Halloween went yesterday. Big Sis has been wanting to be a butterfly since before Baby girl was born. She hasn’t changed her decision for over 7 months. That is amazing for a 3 year old. So we put together a hodge podge of things because she wanted to be a purple butterfly and all I could find was orange and black.

I think it turned out well although she looks like a fairy, but not in her mind. Now we have enough candy to over work our pancreas until Christmas. I’m trying to challenge myself to not eat any of it. I’m TRYING to think that in the end it won’t be satisfying. Who am I kidding that won’t work.

After being sick during the beginning of the week, we were busy the last few days with all sorts of activities, making Frankentreats, planting mums after trying to save them from the cold snap we had earlier (thanks Mom) and carving pumpkins. Jeremy took the task of carving w/ Big Sis, but I had to compare Our Little Pumpkin w/ the huge pumpkin at Ekert’s this year.

It was also the end of the month and we had to get new plates for the Saturn. DMV isn’t fun at the end of the month. How much more busy will it get when we have school parties X2. I better save up my energy now. Hope your Halloween was just as nice as ours.
I love those pics! Glad you guys had fun! I wish I could've seen the girls. You're crackin' me up w/ all of Jul's bows...you were never that girly w/ Ava!!!
i love that one was the catepiller and the other was the butterfly! what a great and cute idea.
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