Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One has been chosen!!

I was wondering when/if this was going to happen. Most children latch on to some sort of security item (normally a blanket). Then a name is given to it by the child, who knows how that happens. For Big Sis it is a pink full silk panel on one side and fuzzy panel on the other blanket. The name for it has evolved to sofy. Not even sure I'm spelling it correctly. Well, I didn't see any attachment tendency for Baby Girl happening for quite sometime. We could grab any blanket or little toy we wanted and she was happy. Well last week the above started happening. She has gravitated toward this blanket. I have even tried to test her by lifting different blankets out of her crib to give to her when she wants to snuggle. She shakes her head NO until the correct one is shown. When this happens every parents hopes it is the smaller of the choices or most easily portable of the choices that is chosen. Well, I guess that isn't in the cards for us with this child. This was given to her by her grandmother, she bought it from a lady she met on a cruise that made these to benefit cancer who was also battling cancer herself. She is now often found playing with the string on the edges of the blanket when calming down in her crib. Now a sure bet if you want her to run at you for a hug just place this blanket over your shoulder and she will snuggle into it.

As for the name the is evolving for this blanket... that hasn't happened yet.

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