Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sister moment

Although there is a lot that happen over to summer to share with family and friends. I couldn't resist this adorable sister moment. As I'm trying to get the girls ready to go to their grandparent, I asked Big Sis to play with Baby Girl on the floor of her nursery. I came back to pack Baby Girl's clothes and I found this.

Big Sis reading a book to Baby Girl and Baby Girl actually looking interested. As I went to get my camera I knew that this was a moment to remember. Knowing, they might not always look at each other as fondly as they are right now. Well Baby Girl noticed me in the room and things changed.

As Baby Girl turns her neck to see her mother, Big Sis didn't want her to not miss the story in the book and attempted to MAKE her listen to what she had to say.

1 comment:

The Moore Family said...

Hilarious!!! I miss you guys...what's up?