Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1st Dental Visit and 1st Cavity!!

First dental visit and first cavity all in the same day.

Well, Big Sis had been talking about the dentist for awhile now. She had been getting into our "loss" - floss and the topper was that they talked about the dentist at preschool. So we discussed going to visit him to get our teeth clean and she was willing. The office had a cancellation and we got in in about 2 days. Otherwise we were going to have to wait a month. I thougt the excitement would be gone by then. I'm so glad we went because we found a cavity.
She isn't looking happy at first but this was her idea. I kept telling myself that.
This is where we found the cavity although we had to get it verified by the dentist.
She let them do the entire exam, even the flouride. When it came time to floss Big Sis wouldn't let them because she brought her own piece and demonstrated to the assistant how she does it. I got video of her assertiveness, but haven't gotten it to upload.
The after smile of a successful visit. I'm not sure how it will be when we have to get the cavity filled. We are going to wait for one more cleaning before we jump into drills and fills. I think I might have Jeremy take her for that.

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