Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kids Say....

These are some of the things that have been being said around our house. Probably not that out of the ordinary if you have a 3 1/2 year old so basically I don't want to forget these moments myself.

Discussing with Big Sis about going swimming and getting over our fear of going underwater... She describes what prep she needs before going underwater
"Mommy, I'm going to just close my eyes and hold my nose and HOLD MY BRAIN (breath)!!" All to go under water.

We had folding chairs in our living room after Baby Girls party that had our last name on the back. Big Sis spells what she sees, " D-E-A-N Mommy does that say chair?"

Dog sitting for my parents and Big Sis discussing how the dogs are barking in the yard. Big sis, "When the dog see something in the backyard the are roofing (barking) at it." It actually took me awhile to realize what she was talking about.

The dogs were with for about a week and I do have to say that Big Sis did a good job taking care of them. It made me think we should get one for her, but even though she might be ready for a dog, I'M NOT ready. Maybe some day that will happen at the same time.

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